As you may or may not know. i am one of the VA's as well as my buddy @voicesbycorey for the upcoming game from Alucard and I want to let you all know that we would LOVE to have your support for this game however possible.
Lost in Hell is a pretty fun game and we already have a trailer for this game and even a Steam Page for this game.
please check it out however you can, we would LOVE it
Nice to meet you! Alucard asked me to playtest his work not too long after I joined NG, but unfortunately I wasn’t ready to handle a horror game at the time. How can I jump back in and help spread the hype?
Also, I didn’t know Corey was involved, haha! The more I hang around VAs, the more I realize what a small world it is.
you can help by mention about Lost in Hell and share the Trailer and Steam Page on social media and newgrounds